Keilah's Story: She found hope that she could pass on her heritage to her son!


Keilah's Story
(Mum to Hunter, 4)

Having a grown up with a mother who spoke French but never passed the language down to her, Keilah is committed to giving her son the head start that she never had.

Listen to Keilah share her story of how she's engaging her son in a language she's not fluent in and some of the tips she's discovered along the way.

✨ Psst... When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you get started with teaching your kids a foreign language at home...

1. Download my free 10 Page Guide for Parents to help you see how easy introducing a foreign language at home can be - especially if you don't speak the language at all.

2. Want a plan to run consistent language lessons that are fun and easy?
Access your first week of play based foreign language lessons for FREE here, all that's left is to select your language + start today!

3. Looking for a 12 month, step-by-step plan and play based resources to help you introduce a language to your little ones with EASE? Quit scrolling on Pinterest and Join our 12 Month Annual Lesson Bundles to get everything you need to started and KEEP GOING!



Discover how you can run consistent language lessons, that are fun and engaging and help your kids make the progress they deserve!

Even if you're not fluent!

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