Why Bilingual Kids Have An Edge Over Monolingual Kids

Bilingualism: Your Child’s Ticket to Ivy League Success

In the quest to provide our kids with every possible advantage, bilingualism emerges not just as a nice-to-have, but as a critical skill set that can significantly boost their chances of getting into top-tier universities, including the Ivies. Here’s why and how speaking more than one language could be a game-changer in your child's academic and professional future.

The Ivy League Perspective: Beyond the Grades

Ivy League universities, renowned for their selectivity, are not just looking for students with stellar grades and test scores; they're searching for well-rounded individuals who bring a diverse set of skills and experiences to their campuses. Language proficiency is increasingly recognized as one of these coveted skills.

A report by the Modern Language Association found that, among other benefits, language learning can enhance academic performance, increase empathy, and improve cognitive abilities. These are qualities that Ivy Leagues highly value as they strive to foster a diverse and dynamic student body.

Why Language Skills Matter

  • Global Awareness: Institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton place a strong emphasis on global awareness and citizenship. Proficiency in a second language demonstrates an openness to different cultures and perspectives, a trait that’s highly valued in the interconnected world that these universities are preparing their students to navigate.

  • Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Studies have shown that bilingual individuals often have better problem-solving skills, more creativity, and improved memory. These cognitive advantages can make a significant difference in the highly competitive environment of Ivy League schools.

  • Academic Performance: Bilingualism is linked to better academic performance. Research suggests that students who study a foreign language tend to score better on the SATs, particularly in the areas of math and vocabulary. This academic edge is something that Ivy League admissions committees notice.

Practical Steps for Parents

So, what can you, as a parent, do to nurture this valuable skill in your child?

  1. Early Exposure: The earlier children are exposed to a new language, the better. Early exposure can lead to more fluency and a native-like accent, qualities that are impressive on any college application.

  2. Cultural Immersion: Encourage activities that not only teach the language but also immerse your child in the culture. Ivy Leagues look for students who not only know a language but understand and appreciate the culture behind it.

  3. Academic Integration: Consider enrolling your child in language courses, summer programs, or even study abroad opportunities that can both hone their language skills and enrich their academic profile.

  4. Language in Action: Encourage your child to use their language skills in real-world contexts, such as volunteering for community service projects that require bilingualism. This practical application of language skills can be a compelling addition to their college application.


In an era where Ivy League universities are seeking students who can thrive in a globalized world, bilingualism stands out as a key differentiator. It’s not just about knowing another language; it’s about what that represents—adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and a readiness to tackle complex global issues. As parents, by promoting bilingualism, we’re not just preparing our kids for success in college; we’re equipping them with the skills to excel in life beyond it.

Let's embrace the journey of raising bilingual children, knowing that we are opening doors to some of the world’s most prestigious educational institutions and beyond.

✨ Psst... When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you get started with teaching your kids a foreign language at home...

1. Download my free 10 Page Guide for Parents to help you see how easy introducing a foreign language at home can be - especially if you don't speak the language at all.

2. Want a plan to run consistent language lessons that are fun and easy?
Access your first week of play based foreign language lessons for FREE here, all that's left is to select your language + start today!

3. Looking for a 12 month, step-by-step plan and play based resources to help you introduce a language to your little ones with EASE? Quit scrolling on Pinterest and Join our 12 Month Annual Lesson Bundles to get everything you need to started and KEEP GOING!



Discover how you can run consistent language lessons, that are fun and engaging and help your kids make the progress they deserve!

Even if you're not fluent!

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